Oh No !! More of Musty's Photos?
I had so much fun with the first photo page that I had to add another. Actually, this is to satisfy my fans who have requested more cool things to look at when they're baked. I hope my humor doesn't offend you. yeah, right. Like I give a flyin fock.
Nice Place ?
I can't tell you where this is at, it's where I dump the bodies. |
One of My Favorite Buttons
It's just..........so cheery. You'll get laid alot wearing this charmer. |
Aint it the Truth?
It's pretty easy to see why we are getting screwed at the pump people. Our President and Vice President are too busy making billions of dollars offa the war with Iraq. How do you think we're paying for the war? Look at the gas prices people, that is how we're paying for the war. Bush sucks, I'm sorry but it's the plain truth. There's some 666 stuff goin' on here. At the gas station the other day I heard someone excitedly say "hey look, unleaded's down to a buck eighty-nine a gallon!" I'll get excited when unleaded is a buck eighty-nine a gallon and you get a blow job with a minimum eight gallon purchase. That's when I'll get excited. |
Stinky Kittys
I love this one. It's Simba's favorite.
Yeah Baby!!
Check this shite out. I wish I could get this on a shirt, that'd be cool.
This is why purple is Musty's favorite color.....
Just imagine what this stuff would taste like in a new piece.
A Bad Tattoo Tale
I got this tattoo from a woman in exchange for rent. She screwed up by going too deep on mine and ruined it. When you see chunks of colored flesh going down the shower drain then that's a clue that you might have a "bad tattoo." Thank's again Tattoo Gail, thanks.