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Jay Leno, Carrot Top, and Paul Giamatti !!
The Mustard Man

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The 2nd 420th Annual Portland Comedy Challenge

The 3rd 420th Annual Portland Comedy Challenge

2005 Was a Good Year...........Here's a Few Pics
2005 was truly the "Year of The Mustard Man." Here's a few pictures of the cool people I've met and the cool stuff I've done.

Musty and Carrot Top

Here's Musty, Megan, and Carrot Top backstage at The Roseland Theater in Portland Oregon. It was awesome working with Scott (his real name). I did 15 minutes up front and kicked some serious booty. The 500 people in the audience seemed to dig me just fine. What a great gig. Scott even told me I did an EXCELLANT job. Funny, I can open for Carrot Top but comedy club owners and certain booking agents won't book me to do the same. Those people (and they know who they are) are Big, Fat, Monkey Turds !

Musty & Darren Carter

Here's Musty and Darren Carter hanging out at The Melrose Improv in Hollywood. Darren has a major amount of heat on him right now. He's done BET's Comic View (undoubtedly BET's favorite white comic), The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno, and is in the first 10 minutes of the new John Travolta movie "Be Cool." I hadn't seen Darren since we worked together at Harveys years ago. It was nice to see him and catch up on his life and career. This kid's gonna be big. Big I Tell Ya!

Sadiki Fuller & Musty

This is me and my good buddy Sadiki Fuller hanging out at Harveys Comedy Club in Portland. Sadiki is not only extremely funny but one of the classiest class acts I know. Definately someone to watch in the future. I wish him all the success in the world.

RIP - Cain Lopez

This is a picture of me and my good friend Cain Lopez.

Cain passed away in 2009 after a tough battle with Cancer. I miss you Bro. Nothing will ever be the same.........

Ryan Hamilton "Sierra Mist's Next Great Comic" & Mustard Man

Here's Musty and Ryan Hamilton hanging out in front of Roscoes on my Thursday night open mic. Ryan's a fuuny kid outta Salt Lake City. And yes, he's Morman. But his razor sharp wit and incredible observations gotta make you wonder if there's a little bad boy inside. Ryan won Sierra Mist's "Next Great Comic" Competition for Salt Lake (remember, I won the Portland region) and then won the entire kit and kaboodle. As part of his first place prize he is doing 23 weeks at The Improv Comedy Clubs throughout the country. Wow, now that's a road trip!

The Late Kelly Moran, his Cousin Dick, and Musty - RIP Kelly, You Will be Missed

Here's a picture of Musty, the late Kelly Moran, and his Cousin Dick. Kelly just passed away from an OD and I (we) all couldn't be sadder. Kelly and Musty went way back, gi gi gi gi. I'm not really sure what the "gi gi gi gi" stuff means but it's damn funny when a bunch of comics are sitting around saying it. Kelly was a very funny guy. He taught me that being silly was ok, even as an adult. Hanging out with Kelly was always fun. I always looked forward to the next time we'd see each other. I miss you already brother. I hope you find peace up on that big stage in the sky.



Musty Got His Own Dressing Room!

That's me in front of my very first private dressing room backstage at Steve Harveys Big Time Challenge. I didn't win the 10k but I had a blast. I'm still pissed at Ant for the low score he gave me. I woulda expected better from a fellow comic. Kenan Thompson was cool though. I didn't even know who the chick judge was but she sucked as bad as Ant. Overall it was a great experience. Big thanks to Producer Sharon for giving me a chance.

Musty, Tere Joyce, Juan Canopii, & Some Crazy Austrailians

That's Tere Joyce, Musty, and Juan Canopii with 3 crazy Austrailians. These three youngsters are big time mini-series stars Down Under. They were in Hollywood to sign some contracts and stuff. I chatted with them for a while while walking up and down The Sunset Strip.

Musty & Jay Leno

Yep, that's right, there's Musty & Jay Leno in my dressing room before the taping of The Tonight Show on June 10th. Jay was such a class act. I was so impressed with his "just a regular guy" attitude. He was warm and friendly and most accomodating. We spoke about comedy like we'd known each other for years. I hope to be back on the show doing stand up. But then again, what comic wouldn't?

Paul Giamatti & The Mustard Man
Here's Paul Giamatti and myself backstage at The Tonight Show. I have been a fan of Paul's for a few years now so it was cool to meet him and talk for a couple of minutes. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his work in "Sideways". I actually dug the movie even though I hate wine.


420 OUT